Now available at BIMBI Store, Plaza Indonesia, Jakarta

Akhirnya yang ditunggu-tunggu sudah tiba. Banyak sekali Mommas yang berharap WEARLUCA ada offline store supaya bisa langsung lihat koleksinya secara langsung. WEARLUCA bergabung dengan BIMBI Store hadir di Jakarta mulai Juni 2021 ini. Koleksi sepatu bayi dan anak lengkap mulai dari moccasin, mary jane, hingga loafer. Masih penasaran dengan offline store lainnya untuk koleksi produk […]

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BABY CHUKKA BOOTS – COLLABORATION WITH BOHOBABY. GREEK COLLECTIONDESIGN COLLABORATION WITH BOHObaby So after a year of technical discussion and designing, we are glad to finally able to share the soon-to-launch chukka boots collaboration with BOHObaby. The chukka boots are designed beautifully by BOHObaby and LUCA has the chance to put that design as an […]

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